Lakes Baseball 2018

As the 2018 Lakes Baseball season starts to take off, both Coach Holst and Coach Kelly have high hopes for the season.

With many returning players, Lakes Baseball has a big lineup of pitchers, coaches praying that they stay healthy. One of their biggest worries is just “keeping all of our arms healthy.”

In this new season, there are also some holes to fill in the lineup but the coaches agree there are players that are ready to step up.

“The players have worked so hard in the offseason that we will surprise ourselves a bit,” Coach Holst stated.

As pitching is a strength for the boys team, this skill will help carry them into the playoffs and Coach Brian Kelly believes by the time playoffs do come around, the hitting will improve greatly.

In a very competitive conference of eight teams, Lakes coaches are counting on a cutthroat yet fun season. The coaches have faith the team can win the conference, but they both agree Grant High School will be the biggest competition.

As for non-conference games, Coach Holst anticipates a majority of wins as long as the team can execute. Coach Kelly added that this 2018 baseball team has leaders and fighters, which was lacking in previous years.

As for the team chemistry, the coaches agree in saying the team this year is the one of the best chemistry teams at Lakes in the last five years.

In desire of a thrilling season, the coaches have much to be excited about.

“Watching the Seniors step up knowing it is their last year is always enjoyable to watch. I also am excited to watch our talented Junior class explode onto the scene and turn some heads.”

With high ambitions and goals, the coaches and players of the 2018 Lakes Baseball team have an exhilarating season to look forward to.

Kelly stated, “regardless of our record, the effort, energy, and commitment from these guys I don’t think will ever be questioned this year, which is all a coach can ask for.”