Colors are pretty important for children at a young age, as they help them become more creative, influence their mood, and even affect their health. But as we get older, do we need them? Do they improve our learning experience? Studies have said yes.
Studies show that children in preschool thrive in colorful environments, as they help engage children in learning. Studies have also shown students in elementary and middle school need colors in their classrooms to promote a fun, healthy, and effective learning environment. What about high schoolers?
High schoolers also need color to help them focus, but not too much that it distracts them, and not too little that it makes the already boring subjects more boring. Colors can make or break a school environment. Too little can easily make a school day feel sluggish and boring. Too much can become overwhelming.
“I’m always open to talking about how to keep our building maintained and welcoming,” Principal Bowen said. “One thing to consider is that some uniformity keeps the building looking professional, and it is easier for the upkeep of the building.”
Colors can turn any boring place into a fun, interactive one, but too much would take away the professionalism of the building. So the question (hopefully) arises, how can we add fun to our school without it becoming too childish?
Murals! Murals can add that colorful touch to a building while keeping it professional. Not only is it an opportunity for artistic students to show off their talent, but it can also help students feel more connected to the school. It adds interest to the school without taking away the needed attention from the teachers and subjects.
Can murals be used to promote good behavior? LCHS English Teacher Mrs. Kiefer thinks so.
“The students themselves, if they have good behavior, they paint the mural,” Mrs. Kiefer said. “Yeah, something like that. Sure. I don’t know if it should just be a free-for-all, I think it should be someone, who the person painting it, maybe should have some sort of artistic talent. I don’t think it should just be random things. I think that there should be a little bit of organization to it.”
Murals would be a great way to add some more color to the school without making the color too much. There should definitely be some sort of qualification for whoever is going to paint the mural, but it would be a nice decoration to be added to the school.
Studies from the article “Students’ Colour Perception and Preference: An Empirical Analysis of its Relationship” by sciencedirect suggest that the outcomes can work both ways.
“In a learning environment, color is believed to be able to cause positive or negative behavior such as avoidance or withdrawal behavior; affecting performance and stimulating senses.”
If done properly, the color can stimulate the learning environment and improve outcomes. If not, it can be counter-productive.
LCHS Psychology teacher, Mrs. Guther, confirmed the study’s findings.
“Okay, so, from the perspective of just how colors make us feel or influence our mood, the research shows us that your cooler colors, like blues, purples, and greens tend to evoke a more relaxing or tranquil feel,” she said. “So I think depending on the situation, the color is going to kind of change, right? You want students to be alert and awake, but not anxious, right? Like not so alert that they’re worked up.”
Color is a good thing in our schools. However, what happens if it becomes too much? In the article “Impact of Colors” by Kevin Stuckey, we learn that six or more colors in a classroom can distract and cause the overstimulation of students. Red and oranges are known to describe strength and power but are equally known to cause overstimulation as well.
The main idea is to find a medium. How many colors and decorations can we add inside a school before it passes the line one too many? How many colors will help keep a student-focused without distracting them? Can we use decoration as a form of reward system for academically and socially well-behaved students?
We just need to find a balance that works with the teachers and students. It could be something that will improve our school environment and make it a more fun and more interesting place to teach and learn.