5 Tips on to Look Good on Zoom Calls

With the rest of the school being online, many teachers have turned to sites like Zoom to keep in touch with students. However may people have discovered that the computer cameras may not bring out our finest features. Here are some tips on how to look good on Zoom calls:
- Good lighting- have good lighting (whether it be a lamp or nearby window) can help avoid a shadowy appearance.
- Perspective- keeping the camera at a good angle can help make sure classmates see your best angle!
- Background- maintaining a simple and clean background can prevent distractions.
- Appearance- even if you are just awaking up, a quick comb of your hair, brief shave, and maybe a little makeup can go a long way!
- Pay attention and stay active on the call- it shows you are prepared and interested.
Hopefully these tips will come in handy next time your teachers host a digital meeting!