As the dance season ends coach Broman talked a little bit about how the season went. She’s been the dance coach here for about 4 years and has really turned this program around. Some of the dancers also talked about how coach Broman has changed them as not only dancers but as people too.
Coach Broman talked about how this year’s season went, how the Lakes dance team has improved, how have the dancers gotten better as a whole, how close coach Broman has gotten with her dancers this entire season and her overall coaching experience with these dancers. She says they have gotten a lot better than last year and directly stated “ Last year we were starting to feel more successful and this year the girls have really stepped up and become more cohesive as a team.” Coach Broman talked a lot about how close she had gotten with these girls “ The team has really bonded this year. We will definitely miss our seniors when they move on, but we hope to remain a tight knit team in the coming years. When your team bonds it translates to the floor and we love seeing the team perform at this level.”

She talked about other times how team chemistry is a big thing for this team and she makes sure that these girls have that, as it’s a big part of being able to be a good team as a whole. As a close out of my conversation with Coach Broaman I asked her about how her coaching experience has been this year she stated “ This year has been a fun year for us as coaches. When the focus from the team gets more intense and cohesive, it makes the year more exciting.” Talking with Coach Broaman gives a better perspective on dance as a whole. It is a very competitive sport and acquires a lot of detail. Being a coach at this level is very difficult and she continues to make it look super easy.
Junior dancer Maggie Calhoun, who’s been on varsity since she was a freshman, talked a little bit about coach Broman. Maggie talked about how she feels about Coach Broman and how close the team and Maggie have gotten with coach Broman through the years. Maggie says “ She is very supportive of everyone on the team, she pushes us to keep going no matter the outcome of our competitions. Before coach Broman the dance program was really struggling but since she’s been here we have improved as a team extremely. She believes in us and is a great coach and an even greater person.” Maggie Calhoun sums up that Coach Broman has affected her team as dancers and as being better people in general. It goes to show how a great coach can not only change a team but people as a whole. The Lakes dance team had a great season by doing good in regionals, but unfortunately coming up short in sectionals. They had a great season and have a bright future ahead of them with upcoming young dancers, and upcoming seniors who are going to be great leaders for next years team.