Bump, Set, Like?

Brock Marino

The LCHS Boys Volleyball Instagram has gained quite the attention recently, let’s see how their team chemistry is going to play into their success this season.

With what started off as more of a joke, the Lakes boys volleyball instagram page has been able to provide the public with more of an inside scoop on the Eagle volleyball players. If you’re unfamiliar with the page, David Synovic explains the account best. “The lakes volleyball page is more of an entertainment and informative page for anyone that has interest towards the Boys Volleyball team. Or someone who just wants a funny laugh. The account has grown so much over these couple of months it’s been up. We try to make it funny and safe and make you feel like you’re with the team in some of those videos,” said Synovic. The account has grown to 173 followers as of late February.

You can find anything from tryout information, to Kaden Martin dancing in gym class throughout the pages’ vast variety of posts. “The account really started as a joke and we didn’t have any real intentions with it. As more got posted on it, we found that it was a valuable tool to make team information public, as well as a space to look back on fun memories. I think that it is also a way to show what the team is about and possibly draw people to the sport,” Martin explains.

You can expect some larger crowds showing up to the games this spring, with the team chemistry helping the boys play a lot better together than they have in the past. “Aside from our physical skill sets, our team chemistry is one of the most valuable things that we have. It honestly feels closer to being with a group of buddies than it does being with teammates, and that is a great thing to have. Because of this, we’re able to play fluidly together and can motivate each other when playing in tough games,” Martin adds. The team will bring back a handful of players from last year’s Varsity team such as: David Synovic, Erik stover, Will Haak, and Kaden Martin. All four returning players “played in the top division of aau volleyball over the offseason, so we are excited to see how much damage we can do this year,” Martin says. The depth of their lineup doesn’t stop there. “Newcomers Jack Marino, Jason Powley, and Fernando Tovar are the standouts. Jack and Fernando both played competitive club volleyball in the off-season, and Jason has a background in volleyball. Their ability to develop will be the deciding factor in big games and how far into the playoffs we can go,” explains Martin.

Although the team should be a powerhouse on the floor this year, they also have a great time together off the floor. Synovic said his favorite memory off the floor has to be “The Secret Santa idea. It was fun and we also had a nice meal together.” On the floor, Synovic’s favorite memory is “Kaden Martin falling on his face going for a ball.” All of which you can find on the Lakes boys volleyball instagram page. This team will always keep you on the edge of your seat, whether it’s under the lights of the Lakes gym, or beach volleyball under the sun. Keep an eye out for these Eagles this spring.