2022 Operation Tree-Plenish

Photo courtesy of Tree-Plenish
In December 2021, Lakes Community High School partnered with the company Tree-Plenish “to help build sustainable communities through youth engagement.” The ultimate goal of the company is to host their own tree planting event in order to offset the amount of paper used during the school year. The program is returning to our school for its second year.
Here at Lakes, Mr. Newton and members of the EverGreen club calculate that 220 trees need to be planted to offset the amount of paper used during the school year. Fundraising has also taken place, and planting begins on April 23. Now, it is up to us as students, staff, and members of the community, to help them meet their goal. For only $5, trees (choice between pin oak, paper birch, and red maple) can be bought and planted in your yard by club members. They are also looking for volunteers to help plant trees, as each tree planted is one step closer to their goal, however, you also have the option to pick up saplings and plant them yourself. Donations may be made at https://www.tree-plenish.org/ if you cannot purchase a tree, but still would like to help.
Public Relations Leader at Tree-Plenish Catalina DeMassi quotes that this project is a great way to give back to the community “by empowering the youth to stand up and make a difference.” By supporting this project, we can make Lake Villa a more sustainable community.
Remember, all orders need to be placed by the 23rd!
For more information, check out the Tree-Plenish website or email Mr. Newton and the EverGreen club.