Morning Revival Band Q&A


Aaron(far left), Austin, David, and Vinny(far right)

When did you know you wanted to start a band?


“Around the time when I got my first guitar, nine years old”- Austin

“Never wanted to be in a band, really liked playing guitar for relaxing, clearing my head. Austin nagged me for two weeks straight and eventually I loved being on stage.” – Aaron


What’s the story behind Wonderwall and Broasis?


“Wonderwall is the greatest song of all time. No, facts. Playing Wonderwall for the talent show needed a name and Broasis was great.” – Austin

“Practiced in the garage, name was gonna be Manchesta, but Vinny’s favorite phrase was bruh so bruh and oasis made Broasis.” – Aaron

“Manchesta was our message, but Broasis was our art.” – Austin


Where did the name Morning Revival come from?


“Long story, but it sounded good. Half a week spent just throwing out names and we were getting very desperate for one. It was the best of the worst.” 


Who’s the funniest?


“Vinny. He just brings a funny vibe and just always make me laugh.” – Austin

“We’re all equal levels of humority.” – Aaron

What’s been your favorite part of the experience so far?


“Playing Terminus theatre because the crowd went pretty wild. So much energy there and it was sweet to capture that.” – Austin

“It was a surreal feeling to be on stage and disconnected from the crowd but at the same time connected. Enjoyable experience to be center of attention.” – Aaron


What are some events everyone should be looking forward to?


“Going back to Terminus in the near future(delayed because of Corona) go back and its gonna be even better. Shows lined up towards end of the year and hopefully we don’t lose touch with anybody because we’ll be at Lindenfest.”


What are your plans for the future?


“Yikes. As for right now book as many shows as possible and hopefully have a good time. Go with the flow, keep playing music and enjoying life.”