Best Ways to Study for Finals



Hand completing a multiple choice exam.

With final exams being right around the corner here at Lakes Community High School, many students are dealing with the pressure to ‘finish off strong’. There are a number of ways to tackle final exams, but we’ve highlighted the methods proven to produce success.

As stated on,, “Tablets and other eLearning media are convenient and portable, but research suggests that traditional print materials still have the upper hand when it comes to studying.” Furthermore, it is found that students require more repetition while learning on a screen than while learning on paper.

Some may be hesitant about the idea of a practice test but challenging yourself in advance to the exam is a great way to prepare and be proactive. “A 2011 study finds students who tested themselves with a practice test after learning the material retained 50% more of the information a week later than their peers who did not take a practice test.” Putting a few minutes aside to buckle down and get familiar with that ‘test-taking feeling’ could boost your confidence going into the final exams.

Although one specific class may seem like the cause of your stress, be sure to divide your study time equally between your classes. Getting that ‘burnt out’ feeling is very common among students, especially this time of year. To ‘divide and conquer’ could help you from getting bored and frustrated with a certain class.

Every individual has their own preferences for studying. Some may spend hours going over notes upon notes and some may not even have studying on their agenda. No matter what kind of student you are, the strategies mentioned are always worth a shot.